Probate is the court-supervised process of authenticating a last will and testament if the deceased made one. It includes locating and determining the value of the person’s assets, paying their final bills and taxes, and distributing the remainder of the estate to their rightful beneficiaries.
The application for probate shall be made by Petition. There shall be annexed to the petition a copy of the last will and testament of the deceased. If the will be not in the English language, an official translation thereof shall be annexed.
The original will shall be filed separately and kept by the Prothonotary and Senior Master in the strong room of his office in Bombay High Court.
There shall also be annexed to the petition:-
Verification of petition. – The petition for probate shall be subscribed by the Petitioner and his Advocate on record (if any), and shall be verified by the petitioner in the manner prescribed for verification of plaints.
The Court-fees of the notice issued by the Prothonotary and Senior Master shall be paid within three days after receipt of such notice.
In any case where an application for probate is made for the first time after the lapse of three years from the death of the deceased, the reason for the delay shall be explained in the Petition. Should the explanation be unsatisfactory, the Prothonotary and Senior Master may require such further proof of the alleged caused of delay as he may deem fit.
In cases in which it is not necessary that a will should be signed by the testator or attested by witnesses to constitute a valid testamentary disposition of the testator’s property, the testator’s intention that it should operate as his testamentary disposition shall be clearly proved by affidavit or otherwise.
All processes and citations shall issue from and be returnable to the office of the Prothonotary and Senior Master and shall be prepared, signed and dated by him or one of his assistants and sealed executed and returned, in the same manner as processes in suits on the Original Side of the Court.
Citations shall be served personally when possible. Personal service shall be affected by leaving a true copy of the citation with the party cited and taking his acknowledgement on the original.
Any person intending to oppose the grant of probate shall file a caveat in within fourteen days from the service of the citation upon him or within such shorter time as the Judge in Chambers may direct. Notice of the filing of the caveat shall be given by the Prothonotary and Senior Master to the petitioner or his Advocate on record.
An affidavit in support of aCaveat shall be filed within eight days from the date of the filing of theCaveat, notwithstanding the Court vacations. Such affidavit shall state theright and interest of the caveator, and the grounds of the objections to theapplication.
A copy of the said affidavit shall be served by the caveator onthe petitioner or his advocate on record. If such affidavit be not filed withinthe prescribed time, the caveat shall not prevent the grant of probate. No such affidavit shall be filed after the expiry ofthe said eight days without an order of the Judge in Chambers.
Certified copies of wills and other documents furnished by the office shall be signed by the Prothonotary and Senior Master or one of his assistants and shall be sealed with the seal of the Court.
Grants of probate issued during a calendar year along with the wills and their translations, if any, shall be copied out in registers to be maintained by the Prothonotary and Senior Master.
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