Cybercrime against women is on rise and it may pose as a major threat to the security of a person as a whole. In India the term “cybercrime against women” means and includes mainly sexual crimes and sexual abuses on the internet.
Cyber Crime:
Cyber crime may be defined as “Any unlawful act where computer or communication device or computer network is used to commit or facilitate the commission of crime”.
Various cyber crimes against women:
The various types of cybercrimes that basically happens to the women in the cyberspace are harassment via e-mail, cyber-stalking, cyber defamation, morphing, email spoofing, hacking, cyber pornography and cyber sexual defamation, cyber flirting and cyber bullying.
Few Measures for Online Safety:
Most of the cyber crimes remain unreported due to the hesitation and shyness of the victim and fear of women for defamation of their family’s name. Many times women believe that she herself is responsible for the crime done to her. The women are more susceptible to the danger of cyber crime as the perpetrator’s identity remains anonymous and the accused may constantly threaten and blackmail the victim with different names and identities. In India, women still do not go to the police to complain against sexual harassment, whether it is in the real world or the virtual world, and they prefer to shun off the matter as they feel that it may disturb their family life. There are laws to punish the accused but it is only possible if women come forward and report the crime to the police station.
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